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First blog of the year!!!!!!  hopefully many more to come but we all know what I'm like with updating things...and my spaztacular history with, fingers crossed. ^.^;

anyhoo whats going on with me just now?? nothing much...

i live in Scotland and am in my 5th year of high school (that makes me 16 for all you people who can't count or think Shetlands school system is as retarded as i do)
anyhoo, i just sat my prelims (preliminary examinations) last week in preparation for my "highers" in may.

the words "epic fail" don't seem to quite cover an accurate description of my results...

I'm kidding. i did okay. not good but not bad...okay bad!

i just can't be arsed at school. i know i could so better if i tried but...meeeeeh.

i will though. for the actual exams I'm thinking of doing that "study" thing everyone does...

no but seriously I'm actually pretty smart -not to blow my own horn (oo-er)- but even without studying i usually pass at the top end of average...unless its math.....but hey! we all know math doesn't count!

what is with math anyway?? its like it deliberately try's to be a bitch!

take fractions for example whats with the "numerator" and the "denominator"? who is it that decided they had such a problem with saying "top" and "bottom" to describe numbers? i swear to god their sole purpose is to make maths as off putting as possible

And why is it that every kid, when learning how to add fractions, is told of the terrible things that occur upon failing to use the least common denominator? (Yes, FINE, here I shall allow the term, on account of “common bottom” sounding ridiculous.) What, pray tell, is the BFD? It is bad enough they must struggle with the whole idea of a common denominator, a notion invariably presented as a rule from on high possessing neither rhyme nor reason. But then they are told, having figured out the trick where you just multiply together the given denominators, that such techniques are not acceptable. Why? Because let's say you are adding one sixth to one fourth. If you naively multiply the denominators you will get twenty-four as the common denominator, when actually it should be twelve. I mean, really, check out the carnage:

1/6 +1/4=4/24+6/24=10/24

are your eyes bleeding yet?? have you fully appreciated the horror?!!